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“Who is the 'Kyooso (Founder) ' of Christianity?”

Writer's picture: Yasu SenseiYasu Sensei

Japanese for Missionaries の西本です。今回も、よろしくお願いいたします。

This is Nishimoto from Japanese for Thank you for watching again.


Today I would like to talk a little on the subject of "Who is the 'Kyooso (Founder) ' of Christianity?”


People in Japan often ask the question, "Who is the 'Kyooso (Founder) ' of Christianity?”


The word 'Kyooso (Founder) ' is often used when talking about religion.

別の言い方をすれば、「キリスト教の教えをはじめて説いた人は誰ですか?」 という意味です。

In other words, "Who is the first person to preach the teachings of Christianity?


In this question, we can see the image that Japanese people have of Christianity.


Let us look at two points of the image held by the Japanese.


The first point is that the image held by the Japanese is that the core of Christianity is 'teaching'.


Teaching is very important.


Teachings that deviate from the truth can lead people in the wrong direction.


That is why the Church also attaches great importance to teaching.


However, the heart of Christianity is not really 'teaching' but 'Christ Himself'.


The Bible is about our Savior Jesus Christ.


Jesus Christ Himself saves us.


Teachings do not save us.


Now I would like to draw your attention to the word 'Kirisuto-kyoo'.

「キリスト教」を文字通りに英語に訳すと「Christ teaching」となります。

The literal English translation of 'Kirisuto-kyoo' is 'Christ teaching'.


It has a very different nuance from the English word 'Christianity', doesn't it?


It is said that since the end of the 19th century, the term 'Kirisuto-kyoo' has been used as a Japanese translation of the English word 'Christianity'.


‘Church’ was translated as 'Kyookai', ‘Mission’ as ‘Senkyoo’, ‘Martyr’ as ‘Jyunkyoosha’, and ‘Religion’ as ‘Shuukyoo’, and the word came to be established as Japanese.


In other words, the Japanese of the time, who were in a hurry to modernize, had a strong sense that Christianity was a means of opening up and developing the country.


What the Japanese of the time may have been looking for was a practical 'teaching' to open up and develop Japan.


It is against this background that 'kyoo (=teaching)' is probably used in all Japanese translations.


What kind of place do most Japanese imagine a church to be?


The Japanese word 'church' means 'a place of teaching'.



Not a few Japanese have the image of the church as a place where they listen to the 'teachings' of the Bible, study 'teachings' to gain enlightenment, train themselves based on the 'teachings' and become good and pure people according to the 'teachings'.


For these reasons, many Japanese ask the following questions. “Who is the first person to preach the 'teachings' of this religion?”


When asked such a question, I answer as follows.


Biblical teaching is very important.


The reason is that its teachings bring us to an encounter with Jesus the Saviour.


The biblical 'teachings' are to enable us to experience Jesus' salvation and to have a direct relationship with God the Father.


The church is not a place where you study 'teachings' to gain enlightenment and acquire those 'teachings' through practice.


The church is a place where you can experience a personal encounter with Jesus through the words of the Bible.”


I think it is important to make it clear to the people of Japan that the center of Christianity is not the 'teachings' but Christ Himself, who is still living and working.


The second point is that the Japanese have the image of Christianity as a religion.


The first point was the image that the heart of Christianity is the 'teaching', but the second point is also closely related to the first.


"Who is the 'Kyooso (Founder) ' of Christianity?”

The reason why many Japanese ask this question is because of the idea that it was man who started Christianity.


Religion is about man trying to reach God's domain from the bottom up.


In other words, it is religion that tries to gain God's approval through its own efforts and realization.


Many Japanese see Christianity as a religion.


However, whereas religion is oriented from the bottom up, Christianity is oriented towards God coming down to us from the top down.


It is Jesus Christ who, out of love for us human beings, left his heavenly throne and came down to earth.


What I want to emphasize to the Japanese people is that God Himself planned salvation and put salvation into action.


Christian salvation started with God Himself.


There are many people in Japan who think that Jesus Christ is a man who started Christianity.


It is an important truth that Jesus was born as a perfect human being on earth in a body like ours.


But at the same time, it is a very important truth at the heart of Christianity that Jesus is God who came down from heaven.


God the Father planned salvation, and Jesus, God the only Son, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, put that plan of salvation into effect.


Salvation originates from God and is completed by God, so it is clearly different from the Japanese idea of religion.


Therefore, the human Jesus did not start Christianity, as the Japanese think.


The 'Kyooso (Founder) ' is a human being, so there is no 'Kyooso’ in Christianity.


When people ask me, "Who is the founder of Christianity?" I answer as follows.


“Christianity was not started by man. Therefore, there is no Kyooso (Founder).


It is not our eagerness to seek God that builds up and results in our receiving God's salvation.


It is because of God's zeal that He has come down to us as Savior.


Jesus is our Savior, not our Kyooso (Founder) “


When I say that Christianity is not a religion, Japanese people often close their minds and say, "That's why Christianity is exclusive!"


It is easier for the Japanese to accept if we say, "Christianity is one of the many religions you believe in", but if we make such a compromise, the central message of Christianity is lost and it can no longer be called the gospel.


"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12), Peter declared, filled with the Holy Spirit, and that declaration still holds true today.


For the Japanese, this declaration is perceived as very challenging and exclusive, but there is no other way to share the gospel than to 'speak this declaration with love'.


"Who is the 'Kyooso (Founder) ' of Christianity?” Today we looked at this question of the Japanese people.


Let us share the gospel with the people of Japan, asking the Holy Spirit to teach us what to say and how to say it at the right time.

今日はここまで。Japanese for Missionaries 西本でした。

That's all for today, this is Nishimoto from Japanese for



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Hello, I am Yasu. I am a former Japanese Pastor and Preacher in Japan. My ministry is to train missionaries in the Japanese language and culture. I would love to help prepare you to reach Japan for Christ!

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