そんなうまい話しはないでしょ! ~信じるだけで救われる?~
That's not such a good idea! ~Can you be saved just by believing?~
こんにちは! Japanese for Missionaries の西本です。
Hello! This is Nishimoto from Japanese for Missionaries.
When I tell people that they can be saved just by believing in Jesus, they often say, "Just by believing in Jesus, I can be saved? That's not such a good idea! "
Well, it is true that for Japanese people, the word "believe" may include the meaning of practicing something or meditating to attain enlightenment.
Therefore, there may be some resistance if we tell them that salvation is given to them only by believing literally.
The word "believe" in the Bible means, in other words, to receive for free.
The Bible says to receive for free, without paying anything or making any effort to practice.
So what are we supposed to receive?
Jesus said to the people, "Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
Jesus did not say, "Come to my teaching," but "Come to me.”
It is not that there is salvation in accepting Christ teaching, but in accepting Christ Himself.
If you read the Bible carefully, you can see how people at that time, 2000 years ago when Jesus came, viewed Him.
For some, He was simply a teacher, and
He was a religious leader or someone who knew the Old Testament well at the time.
And for some, it seems that Jesus was the one who filled their bellies because He did miracles and gave them something to eat.
Even today, when I ask you if you will accept Jesus, is Jesus for you a great teacher, or a religious person, or the one who fills you with philosophical knowledge?
What kind of person Jesus is and what kind of person you accept Him as is a very important question for me and for you.
多くの場合は、「わたしの人生はわたしのもの」「いろんな助けをしてくださる先生とかはありがたい」But many people would say, ”life is mine.”
I am grateful for teachers and others who help me in various ways.
「でも、人生そのものはわたしのものであって、自分でコントロールしたい」「ただ、ある部分では助けて欲しい」ということが多いのかもしれません。but, life itself is mine, and I want to control my life. It's enough if you help me only where I need it."
Jesus said, "Come to me," but what kind of person really came to Jesus then or now?
The reason for someone who really came to Jesus was not about food, or even about the ability aspect of himself.
It is about the problem of one's sin and the problem of death.
It is about the inner sins that we cannot do anything about, even though we have tried our best.
It is about the anxiety that we will eventually die, about what will happen to us when we die, about where we will go, and about not having an answer to that question.
Simply put, it is the despair that there is no answer within us.

Hopelessness in the sense that there is no answer within us on the issue of sin and death.
Only those who have experienced, known, or suffered that sense of despair can truly appreciate the cross of Jesus Christ, the cross that paid off sin, and the resurrection life that conquered death.
We don't have it inside us, so we go out and say, "Jesus, give it to me.”
So we have no other choice but to believe.
If you really despair that there is nothing inside you, what is left?
There is nothing left but to believe and receive, is there not?
When you are drowning in rough seas, you send out an SOS.
Because there is no power within you to save yourself.
It is not inside of you.
That is why you ask for help.
What does it mean to be saved only by believing?
For those who have reached the point where there is no other way but to believe, it is a blessing to have someone that you can accept for free, someone who has paid off your sins and defeated the problem of death.
You can be saved just by believing!
If there are those who are listening to this who have not yet received our Savior Jesus,
if there are those who have not accepted Him for free, why don't you come into the salvation of Jesus, the One in whom all you have to do is to believe?